Despre cronologia absolută a unui nivel din situl neolitic de la Tărtăria-Gura Luncii / About the absolute chronology of a layer from the Neolithic site of Tărtăria-Gura Luncii
Jan. 1, 2017
abordare Bayesiană
Middle Neolithic
AMS data
Neolitic Mijlociu
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The publication of five AMS dates from Tărtăria archaeological sites raises methodological aspects regarding the
sampling procedure, the stratigraphical position of the samples as well as the publication and interpretation manner from the archaeological point of view. The present paper is aiming to offer alternative ways in regard of the
publication and intepretation is also tries to underline the fact that the attempt of modifying, during the postexcavation stage, of the stratigraphical position of the features from which the samples are coming (from layer IV
towards layer III in this case), cast an undesirable shadow on the quality of the work which was done to date the
samples. The published data are, from an absolute chronological perspective, as recently proved, contemporary to
Vinča B2 stage, even if the cultural contents of those two archaeological features were not yet published.