Ljubo Fidanoski

Home Sweet Home: Neolithic Architectural Remnants from Cerje – Govrlevo, Republic of Macedonia

Jan. 1, 2015

Republica Macedonia
case neolitice
Arhitectura neolitică
Republic of Macedonia
Cerje – Govrlevo
Neolithic Households
Neolithic Houses
Neolithic architecture and culture



The Neolithic site Cerje – Govrlevo, Republic of Macedonia, is well known in broader public by the ceramic fragmented sculpture (torso) of man, so-called Adam from Govrlevo found in 2000. It is a Neolithic settlement at which several houses dating from Early and Middle Neolithic were excavated. These houses built with great architectural skills are typical for the Balkan Neolithic and they are consecutive proof of the grand Neolithic intellect. In their interior various movable and unmovable artifacts were documented, which altogether highlight the high intellectual, economical, social, and cultural achievements of the Neolithic communities who lived at this site.