Începuturile eneoliticului timpuriu în Transilvania: o abordare bayesiană / The beginning of EarlyEneolithic in Transylvania: a Bayesian approach
Jan. 1, 2014
Bayesian approach of the 14C AMS data
Petrești-Groapa Galbenă și Răhău-Dealul Şipotului
modelarea datelor C14 AMS
Răhău-Dealul Şipotului
Petrești-Groapa Galbenă
Alba Iulia-Lumea Nouă
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The current study aims to present 15 new AMS data, taken from important Transylvanian sites (Alba Iulia-Lumea
Nouă, Petrești-Groapa Galbenă and Răhău-Dealul Şipotului). By adding the previously known radiocarbon data,
we have modelled them together, using OxCal v4.2.4 Bronk Ramsey (2013). <e %nal goal of the present study
is to obtain as precise an image as possible of the absolute chronology from the middle of the 5th millenium BC
in Transylvania area.