Florin Draşovean

Despre cronologia relativă și absolută a neoliticului și eneoliticului timpuriu din răsăritul Bazinului Carpatic. O abordare Bayesiană / Remarks on the Relative and Absolute Chronologies on the Neolithic andEarly Eneolithic of the Eastern Carpathian Bassin. A Bayesian approach

Jan. 1, 2014

neolitic târziu și eneolitic timpuriu
cronologie relativă și absolută
bazinul carpatic
Banat și Transilvania
abordare Bayesiană a datelor ¹4C
Late Neolithic and Early Eneolithic
Relativ and Absolute chronologies
Eastern Carpathian Basin
Banat and Transylvania
Bayesian approach of the ¹4C data



The study analyses the syncronisms between the cultures of the Middle and Late Neolithic and the Early Eneolithic from Banat and Transylvania, based on the Bayesian models of the ¹4C data gathered from Parţa-tell I, Sânandrei-Ocsăplatz, Uivar-Gomilă, Foeni-Cimitirul Ortodox, Orăștie-Dealul Pemilor, Cerișor-Cauce, Zau de Câmpie-La grădiniţă and Alba Iulia-Lumea Nouă. By comparing the absolute data with the stratigraphical situation of these sites, it has been concluded that phase IIB of the Banat Culture begins at the end of the Vinča A phase and ends its evolution in Vinča B1, the Banat Culture phases IIB-IIC (level 6a) are synchronous with Vinča B2, the beginning of the Foeni site is synchronized with the end of the Vinča C phase, it is after the Uivar sites (Neolithic) and Hodoni, and the end of the last level (III) is before the final Vinča D phase. Comparing ¹4C data from the late phase of the Vinča culture eponimous settlement with the Transylvanian phase shows that phase A sites from this area lasted even after the Vinča A habitation from the namesake settlement has ceased to exist, their end situated towards the middle of the Vinča B phase of the Danubian zone. The Zau de Câmpie radiometric data shows that the data from the IB–IC Zau culture phases are not synchronous with the Vinča A3 stage from the namesake site. They are from a later period, contemporary with the mid Vinča B phase interval. Also, ¹4C data proves that the Zau III phase is contemporary with Vinča C1 and does not support the parallels between Zau IIIB and Vinca C2. ¹4C data of the Zau de Câmpie late phases proves that phase Zau III is contemporary with Vinča C1 and confirms the Zau IIIA- Vinča C1 synchronism. However, the same data shows that the Zau IIIB phase ends almost simultaneously with the end of this stage and they do not support the parallels between Zau IIIB and Vinča C2. By comparing the absolute data with the stratigraphical situation of these sites, it has been concluded that the genesis of the Turdaș culture takes place during the Vinča C2 phase, with the help of some elements from Banat at that time. Also, the Turdaș II phase cannot be placed earlier than Vinča C2/C3, while Turdaș III is contemporary with Vinča C3-D and ends with the arrival of the Foeni group in Transylvania. Due to its new chronological position, the Foeni group may have contributed not only to the genesis of the Petrești culture, but also that of the Ariușd-Cucuteni culture.