Geneza iconostasului Catedralei ortodoxe sârbe din Timișoara / The genesis of the iconostasis of the Serbian orthodox cathedral from Timișoara.
Jan. 1, 2020
Jozsef Habinger
Josif Alexander Töpfer
Mihajlo Janić
Constantin Daniel
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Searching the archive of the Serbian Orthodox Episcopate of Timișoara, one can observe an abundance of data
regarding the most important events related to the works that were undertaken at the Serbian Orthodox Cathedral
in Timișoara. Exceptional names in the field of church art and sculpture competed for the beautification of the
most important edifice of Orthodoxy in Banat in the middle of the 19th century. The results of art historians
research and the conclusions they came to, indisputable in terms of the authors’ professionalism, brought many
novelties, and the stated theme only wants to confirm, with historical data and archival documents, the exceptional
activity of art makers in Banat.