Contribuții la istoria francmasoneriei din Banat și Arad. Artefacte și dovezi din muzeele și presa masonică britanică / Contributions to the History of Freemasonry in Banat and Arad. Artifacts and documents from museums and press of British Freemansonry
Jan. 1, 2020
Istoria Banatului
History of Banat
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The history of Freemasonry in Banat still hides many unknown things. The historical course of many lodges in
this region is not yet fully known. If we know enough data about some lodges such as the one in Reșiţa, those
in Timișoara and others, we have too little data about some lodges, such as the one in Caransebeș or Lipova.
Moreover, the museum artifacts that come from lesser-known lodges allow us to reconstruct their history and even
the history of certain characters. In this sense, the museum institutions from Great Britain are very helpful; they
keep in their collections medals of some lodges from Banat or even original documents, lists of lodges from Banat,
etc. These artifacts and documents have not been studied so far and represent a novelty in reconstructing the history of Banat Freemasonry. Examples are the medals of the Irenea lodge in Caransebeș and Concordia in Lipova.
The history of these lodges is known only in fragments, and the study of these medals allows us to complete the
data on these little known lodges. Another piece unknown to the Romanian academic public is a medal of the
„Three white lilies” lodge from Timișoara. The Museum of the Provincial Grand Lodge of Worcestershire and the
Museum of Freemasonry in London are very helpful in this regard by offering the opportunity to study the pieces
kept in their collections. In our study, we also present the work of a Serbian Freemason from Paris, D. Tomitch, on
the rights and interests of Serbs in Banat Timisoara on certain territories within Romania.
The English Masonic press is another resource that has not been fully exploited so far. Usually, studies on the history of Romanian Freemasonry cite foreign literature, but very little or almost no Masonic foreign press, especially
the old press. However, in the British Masonic press, we find valuable references to Freemasonry in Romania and
including Banat, from different historical periods. In the case of Banat Freemasonry, the references in the British
press date from the second half of the 19th century. We find references regarding the lodges in Arad, Timișoara,
Oraviţa, Lipova, and Caransebeș. All this information, compared to what we know so far, gives us the chance
to detect the mistakes made in previous chronological dating but also to complete what we lacked in terms of