Those Men and their Shackles. A Rare Discovery from Roman Dacia
Jan. 1, 2020
Dacia Romană
Roman Dacia
Banat Region
Sec. II
IInd century AD
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In the collection of the Highland Banat Museum from Reșiţa, we can find a special artefact with the inventory
number 34614, discovered in one of the Roman forts, from Banat region. It is a Roman shackle, found in the
Roman fort of Vărădia Chilii, in 2006. From a typological point of view, the specimen found here, is certainly a
shackle from the Roman period, which belongs to type 4 in W.H. Manning and to the type known as Kunzing
in F. H. Thompson. It is part of a series of rather rare artefacts in the Empire, illustrated in Dacia by the discoveries made in the forts from Călugăreni, Buciumi, Ilișua, Mehadia and Bologa as well as in the research carried
out in the military vicus from Porolissum, and also in the Ulpia Traiana Sarmizegetusa mithraeum. From the
context, it is clear that the artifact was used by the military troops stationed here to secure prisoners of war or even
non-submissive individuals from inside the military and can be dated to the beginning of the second century,
between the conquest of Dacia and the years 117–118 AD. Furthermore, based on the fairly large inner diameter,
it appears that the shackle found in Vărădia, fixed the feet and it is called fetter.